
Logan's First Haircut!

On November 3, 2010, Tony gave Logan his very FIRST haircut! It was getting pretty long and after a few people commented while we were trick or treating about how cute our "girls" were and that "she" was so cute, Tony decided it was time! :)

Here's the before shot.....
A few shots during.....

Emma watching - glad it's not her!
After..... What a handsome little man!

Yay Daddy! Good job!


Happy Halloween!

Logan & Emma had a fun Halloween "weekend" as Pebbles and Bam Bam. Their costumes were made by my Mom. On Friday, Oct. 29th, we took Logan & Emma trick or treating on the square in Murfreesboro. They had fun walking around to the different businesses on the square and getting candy in their little bags.

They each had a dum dum and a few pieces of chocolate. Big brother Thomas (aka "Dub-Dub")came along to enjoy the fun.
On Sunday (Halloween), we went to the Littons house for their annual bonfire to celebrate Darren's birthday. Logan & Emma had fun running around outside and chasing after the football. They also had roasted hot dogs and smores - yummy!
Just a little reminder of how far my little "Peanuts" have come since last year :)


Pumpkin Patch

On October 21st, we took Logan & Emma to the Walden Farms pumpkin patch for the first time. We sure had a blast! Michael & Thomas met us there after school, and Nana, Papa & Aunt Trisha even came by to enjoy the afternoon with us!

Logan & Emma fed and pet the goats, walked around the pumpkin patch looking for the perfect pumpkin, and took a ride on the "train." They have other activities for kids a little bit older, so I think they will have even more in the years to come. This was definitely the start to a new annual family tradition!

Here's a few photos from our fun time at the pumpkin patch!

Long time no see......

Okay, so it's been a little while since my last blog post.... I mean the babies are only what 17 months now!?!? It's been a year since the last time I posted. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and I have decided to keep up with this blog because I know how much I'll enjoy looking back at it as Logan & Emma get older. I know it will be hard to keep up with - Lord knows it's not like I have anything going on these days - 17 month old twins, 2 teenagers, working 3-4 12-hour shifts a week and going to school - but it will be so worth it! Plus there might be a few people out there that would like to read it too :)

It's great to be back! :)


Logan Pictures ( 4 months)

Here's a few cute pictures of Logan from 4 months that haven't made any other blog posts.

Happy 5 Months!

October 25th, 2009
Logan and Emma are now 5 months old! I cannot believe how much they have changed over the last month and all the new things they are doing. I've been so behind on my blogging, so I'm just going to recap the last month in one post.

Emma has been doing great with playing with her toys, grasping objects and putting them in her mouth. She has really taken to tummy time and likes to sit on my lap on her tummy and look at the computer. Her personality is really shining through now. She absolutely loves her daddy and will light up, giggle and squirm everytime he says hi to her - it's so cute! She's been laughing out loud for a little while but is now doing it more often. She'll laugh when being tickled but will also laugh at you when you're laughing at her.

Logan started grasping objects some this month and finally started holding onto and playing with the toys on his bouncy seat. Logan also laughed out loud for the first time this month (10/20) and will really get to giggling when being tickled. He has such a cute laugh! Logan is starting to hold his head up a lot better - but he despises tummy time. He has pretty much given up his pacifier for his thumb now and it's absolutely adorable!

We started cereal this month and Logan is a total pro at it - he eats very well and seems to really enjoy it. I think he'll be ready for baby food in no time! Emma - not so much. She hasn't quite gotten the hang of it and most of the cereal ends up on her chin or on her bib and not in her mouth. We probably won't start baby food until right at 6 months, so she's got some time to figure it out.

Since they're playing a lot more with the toys on their bouncy seats, I got them a play mat this month - well, I bought one, took it back and then bought a different one that my friend Julie recommended - and they absolutely love it! They can both fit on it, so they'll lay there together and play with all the toys that hang down. They're having so much fun with it.

I cannot believe how much they learn and grow on a daily basis - each day is a new adventure and each morning I wake up and can't wait to see what they have in store for me!


Rice Cereal - take two!

October 6th, 2009
We decided to give Emma her first taste of rice cereal tonight. She didn't quite take to it as well as her brother. You put the spoon in her mouth, the cereal goes in and then blah, right back out. She doesn't spit it out like she doesn't like it, it just kind of oozes back out of her mouth. She doesn't quite understand that she's supposed to swallow the food, so I think it's just going to take her a little more time before she really enjoys her cereal. But in the meantime, it sure is funny to watch! :)

Here are a few of my favorite post cereal pics:

Rice Cereal

October 2nd, 2009
According to the pediatrician at the 4 month checkup, we could start giving Logan & Emma rice cereal once a day, so we decided to give it a try! Logan did really well with eating from the spoon and seemed to enjoy the taste of the cereal.

His big brother Michael also taught him a cool trick :)

Emma got a little fussy before we could feed her the cereal, so we decided to hold off until she was in a better mood. She did enjoy playing with the spoon though! I think she's about got the hang of it :)


Tummy Time!

Emma is definitely mastering tummy time. She does really well with lifting her head up and looking around. She hasn't started reaching at or grasping objects while she's on her tummy, but I don't think that's far off.

Logan on the other hand is struggling a little with tummy time. He's not very good at lifting his head, but when he does, he'll lift it up for a minute and then get bored with it. Then he'll do the head bob/face plant into the blanket until you turn him over. Poor little guy! His head is a little bigger than Emma's, so it might just take him a litte longer to get the hang of it!

Sleeping Through the Night!

Logan and Emma are sleeping through the night and that makes for a very happy momma! Their first official night of sleeping through was September 9th. They ate at about 9:30 that night and then slept until 6:30! I woke up around 3:30am, listened for a little bit, double checked the monitor to make sure it was on and then tried to go back to sleep. I woke up an hour or so later checked the monitor again. Not a peep! I debated going into their room to check on them but decided to hold off. Around 6:30, they started to stir. I couldn't believe they slept that long!

They've had a few nights that they've woken up at 5:00 but I'm chalking that up to a growth spurt. I have now discovered that if they do wake up early and I just wait a few minutes before getting up, they'll usually fall back asleep. The earliest they normally get up now is 7AM, but it's very common for them to sleep until 8 or 8:30. They have even slept a few times until 9 or 10! They get their last bottles between 9:30-10:30 and we put them in bed right after they eat. I know that may seem late, but I'd rather keep them up a little later at night when I'm awake then to put them down early and have them get up too early!

After their first bottle in the morning, they usually sleep at least another 2-3 hours before getting up for the day! They've become quite the little sleepers and I'm very thankful for that!

Here are my happy babies playing in their crib - ready to get up......

Here's another one of Logan stretching and Emma posing - too cute!


4 Months Doctor's Appointment

September 29th, 2009
Today was Emma and Logan's 4 month checkup with Dr. Cade. They are both doing great. Logan is 15lbs 10oz and 24 3/4 in long. Emma is now 13lbs 13oz and 24 1/4 in long. They're both right at 50% for their height and weight now which is perfect! They're both at 25% on their head circumference which suprised me a little because I thought Logan had a pretty good sized head. The doctor said I should see the kids in the 95th percentile - yikes!

We asked Dr. Cade about Emma's eyesight because we thought she might have trouble seeing and she has a hard time really focusing in on us, but the doctor assured us that she was focusing okay and it might just take her a little longer than Logan for her eyesight to improve. Emma did really great lifting her head up, while Logan is still struggling a little bit with that.

There's such a span of time that's considered "normal" for certain developmental milestones. It's hard to not compare the two of them when you would assume that they'd do the same things at similar times. That's so not the case and we're really learning that more and more each day.

The doctor informed us that we could start feeding both of the babies rice cereal. Wow - how exciting! We're supposed to start out with just a tablespoon mixed with formula once a day - the main focus is teaching them how to eat with a spoon. She said more than likely there would be more food out than in for a while, lol! Once they master that, then we can give them cereal twice a day and by their 6 month appointment we can start introducing baby food. There are going to be lots of firsts over the next 2 months!!

They both had a tough time with their shots and they seemed a lot more suspicious at this visit than they did at 2 months! Logan was not in a good mood the whole time - I think he really sensed that something bad was going to happen. Once we got home, Logan did pretty well the rest of the night, but Emma struggled. She had a fever all night and into the next day. We finally got it to break that next night. Whew - not looking forward to that 6 months checkup!

Monkey See, Monkey Do

September 14th, 2009
Logan and Emma have both started imitating mommy. Logan will blow raspberries at me - it's so cute because he tries so hard and you can tell his wheels are turning trying to figure out how to get his lips to do that. You can totally tell what he's doing though - it's just going to take him a little practice! When you stick your tongue out at Emma, she will stick hers back out at you - it's so sweet! I'm having so much fun with them now. I know this is just the beginning of all the fun things they'll do to entertain me!


3 Months Pictures

We had Logan and Emma's 3 month pictures taken at the Sears in Murfreesboro. We decided to go with the "au natural" look because I think that's so cute in young babies! The photographer was so great with them and we were pleasantly suprised with all the great shots she was able to get of both of them. We had to stop half way through and feed them and she was so patient with us. All in all, we were there for over three hours. I was very happy with the whole experience and we'll definitely get more pictures done there in the future. We were able to buy the CD with all the pictures and enhancements, so here are a few of our favorites: